Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 126

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 203

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 204

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 205

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "CRUDEOILM" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXMETLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "MCXBULLDEX" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "COTTONCNDY" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "NATGASMINI" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 216

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 217

Warning: Undefined array key "STEELREBAR" in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tbrjars/public_html/munafasutra/code/plugin/stock/stock.php on line 218
COMMODITY Market today performance report, which stocks to buy or sell - munafasutra.co.in Mobile app version of munafasutra.co.in
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COMMODITY Market today performance report, which stocks to buy or sell

Today's market performance report of COMMODITY which stocks to buy or sell

Ratio between gainers and losers was 0 : 0 in today's session on 06 Fri Sep 2024. This means for every 0 stocks that were showing a upmove, 0 stocks were showing a fall.

Market sentiment was severely towards selling today.

Top performing sectors were AGRO COMMODITIES | ENERGY | BASE METALS | BULLION |

Worst performing sectors were AGRO COMMODITIES | ENERGY | BASE METALS | BULLION |

Top gainers COMMODITY

Kapas Kachcha (AGRO COMMODITIES) gained 2.78% and is trading at 1480.00 now
Mentha Oil (AGRO COMMODITIES) gained 0.36% and is trading at 960.00 now
Natural Gas (ENERGY) gained 0.05% and is trading at 191.00 now
() gained 0% and is trading at 63500.00 now
Nickel Gilat (BASE METALS) gained -0.03% and is trading at 1359.20 now
() gained -0.05% and is trading at 191.00 now
() gained -0.2% and is trading at 59040.00 now
Gold Guinea (BULLION) gained -0.35% and is trading at 57847.00 now
Gold Petal (BULLION) gained -0.43% and is trading at 7028.00 now
Lead Sisa (BASE METALS) gained -0.58% and is trading at 181.05 now
Lead Mini (BASE METALS) gained -0.58% and is trading at 181.50 now
Gold Mini (BULLION) gained -0.61% and is trading at 71409.00 now
Gold Sona (BULLION) gained -0.68% and is trading at 71426.00 now
Aluminium Mini (BASE METALS) gained -0.93% and is trading at 218.95 now
Aluminium Aluminum (BASE METALS) gained -1.14% and is trading at 217.60 now
() gained -1.17% and is trading at 17731.00 now
Zinc Mini (BASE METALS) gained -1.23% and is trading at 253.85 now
() gained -1.25% and is trading at 16484.00 now
Zinc Jasta (BASE METALS) gained -1.26% and is trading at 253.70 now
Copper Tamba (BASE METALS) gained -1.3% and is trading at 781.90 now
Crude Oil (ENERGY) gained -1.82% and is trading at 5704.00 now
() gained -1.84% and is trading at 5710.00 now
Silver Micro (BULLION) gained -2.58% and is trading at 82852.00 now
Silver Chandi (BULLION) gained -2.59% and is trading at 82757.00 now
Silver Mini (BULLION) gained -2.59% and is trading at 82834.00 now
All gainers COMMODITY


Silver Chandi (BULLION) lost -2.59% and is trading at 82757.00 now
Silver Mini (BULLION) lost -2.59% and is trading at 82834.00 now
Silver Micro (BULLION) lost -2.58% and is trading at 82852.00 now
() lost -1.84% and is trading at 5710.00 now
Crude Oil (ENERGY) lost -1.82% and is trading at 5704.00 now
Copper Tamba (BASE METALS) lost -1.3% and is trading at 781.90 now
Zinc Jasta (BASE METALS) lost -1.26% and is trading at 253.70 now
() lost -1.25% and is trading at 16484.00 now
Zinc Mini (BASE METALS) lost -1.23% and is trading at 253.85 now
() lost -1.17% and is trading at 17731.00 now
Aluminium Aluminum (BASE METALS) lost -1.14% and is trading at 217.60 now
Aluminium Mini (BASE METALS) lost -0.93% and is trading at 218.95 now
Gold Sona (BULLION) lost -0.68% and is trading at 71426.00 now
Gold Mini (BULLION) lost -0.61% and is trading at 71409.00 now
Lead Sisa (BASE METALS) lost -0.58% and is trading at 181.05 now
Lead Mini (BASE METALS) lost -0.58% and is trading at 181.50 now
Gold Petal (BULLION) lost -0.43% and is trading at 7028.00 now
Gold Guinea (BULLION) lost -0.35% and is trading at 57847.00 now
() lost -0.2% and is trading at 59040.00 now
() lost -0.05% and is trading at 191.00 now
Nickel Gilat (BASE METALS) lost -0.03% and is trading at 1359.20 now
() lost 0% and is trading at 63500.00 now
Natural Gas (ENERGY) lost 0.05% and is trading at 191.00 now
Mentha Oil (AGRO COMMODITIES) lost 0.36% and is trading at 960.00 now
Kapas Kachcha (AGRO COMMODITIES) lost 2.78% and is trading at 1480.00 now
All losers COMMODITY
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